Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Here we go...

For those of you stopping by this blog let me start by introducing you to my family. 

Yes this is our Christmas card, but it is the least chaotic picture we have at this time...

Keith- is a minister at Desperation Church.  He is excellent at all things creative and loves putting hands and feet to God's Word.  He is an incredible father and husband. I could not survive without him!

Mac- is our almost 2 year old Social Butterfly! She loves everyone and is truly one of the smartest, most beautiful little girls I know! She really makes parenting a dream!

My name is Stacey and for the most part I will be the author of this blog. I have an MSN and am currently back in the job hunt for a Family Nurse Pracitioner position. Until 2 weeks ago school took up the majority of my life, but now I am looking for new hobbies...so I will keep you posted.

So here is where our story begins- Keith and I knew before we even had Mac that we wanted to adopt at some point during our life. We were married younger than usual so I just reached the minimum age allowed to adopt from any international country.  Approximately 2 months ago our pastor spoke on orphans and God's passion for them as seen in Matthew 25:40 and James 1:27.  A representative from an international adoption agency was actually there that Sunday to pass out information. Keith, feeling that the time had come to start our journey, grabbed up all the info possible, and here we are.

The country we have chosen to adopt from is the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is located in Central Africa and is the second largest country in Africa. Due to warfare, there are currently an estimated 50,000-100,000 children living in orphanages at this time. We have chosen to adopt a little boy. Mainly because if not adopted by late childhood they are recruited to join forces with the rebel military and taught to kill and rape. Yes, rape is the weapon of warfare in the DRC, which is why we would consider a sibiling group, and because of my history in the hospital we are also open to some special needs situations. My heart in particular is drawn to children with cleft lips and palates. This condition leaves many children unable to feed unless properly repaired. We are just praying on a daily basis that God begins working in the life of the child he desires for us to adopt right now...before we even officially start the process!

We are literally just starting this race. International adoption is a very expensive journey and I our goal is adopt a son without going into debt. This means that are time frame is indefinite and we will be doing lots of fundraising-which brings me to these t-shirts. We are selling them for $15 and obviously all proceeds go to bringing our boy home!  Shoot us email if you would like to purchase one. You can find our email address under the blog profile or just send Keith a message- keithv@desperationchurcht.tv

When the majority of the funds are saved we will then submit our application to our adoption agency and start the process. The estimated time frame for the DRC is approximately 15 months.

My prayer is to keep you updated with all of the good and bad things we experience. This is the beginning but we cannot wait to get to the end of the story. We are patiently waiting for God to work!

Thank you all for your support and please check for updates!

Love Wins!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stacey, count me in for a large t-shirt. Will be praying for God to order your steps! Looking forward to hearing how He will shine~ sk :)
